

Remember this, girl?Ya,we played this when we were young.It is a game in the gameboy.
During the past, we only score and up level.Level 10 is the last level and we are done.But then this time I get addicted.Seriously, for the 1st time,I am ADDICTED to a game.Because this game has a ranking and we can fight with our facebook's friends. People always want to win and promote to higher rank.
After playing for 2 weeks ++, I only being ranked 18.There is 100 to end.

I am thinking of it even when I sleep and I played this when I have test on tomorrow and presentation on the next day>.<

If get addicted to the drama, they are going to be an ending episode, but I do not know when I can have an ending at this@@


  1. You will get over it when you reach the 100th Level. Hahahaha. =)

  2. I just delete the APPS today cz have lab test on Saturday and I havent start studying=.=


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